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Overall a really fun game that looked great kept me interested the whole time. However, if you stand in the way of a customer, they continue to move forward and trap you, ultimately resulting in a softlock.

Thanks for playing! that problem was on the tail end of my to do list after I got the actual gameplay all up and running but I ran out of time, I'm hoping few enough people don't get pushed into the counter to notice in the meantime haha

Was A nice Gameplay loop, But there were no real goals, the powerups were nice but it felt like you needed the Something to reach in the end.

Good job!

Thanks for playing! Post your game here if you haven't already and I will play and rate it:

I am working through them 1 game at a time and its easier for me to track so I don't forget you

The idea is interesting, for a Tycoon type of game.
I will be a bit critical, but trying to provide useful feedback, so I will apologise beforehand.

The Character art is Great! Kudos for that!

The shelve design though, it breaks a bit the immersion. Some shadows would have helped to give them some depth.

Level Design is Ok, if we are trying to mimic a real shop, however given that the NPCs never interact with the shelves it is kind of cumbersome. It would have been more interesting to have the Shelves behind the counter, so that you actually get some use of the counter, and not spend all the time next to the clients fetching their tapes.

Balancing seems a bit off, but it could be great with a bit of tweaking. The main issue is if you get 2 TVs and the Sneakers you are basically out of business, since there are not enough clients.

Minor improvement suggestions:

The clients should leave once they have no more tapes to give you.

Did you consider making them get angry if they wait for too long? Or giving you a tip if they didn't wait much time?

It is also missing an End Goal, like winning the Golden VHS or something for rewinding 100 tapes.

Overall: Good enough for a casual game on Mobile with a few more tweaks.

Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

The character art was bought then edited by me  so I can't take credit for that one, this project is the most pixel art I've ever done so fully expected some comments on it being pretty awful, all I can do is try to improve over time.

"Did you consider making them get angry if they wait for too long? Or giving you a tip if they didn't wait much time?" 

I considered exactly that! but I was finished with the game 1.5 hours before submission and have slept less than 5 hours every night since the jam started so I had to call it a day somewhere unfortunately.

Having a video storage area behind the counter rather than a dead store front would have made much more sense actually, wish I had thought of this.

'The main issue is if you get 2 TVs and the Sneakers you are basically out of business, since there are not enough clients.' that just comes down to the RNG , its all done based on random generator rather than weighted probabilities etc so that I could get it done in the time frame.

Glad that you had some of the same ideas.  
If the RNG would only be weighted based on your currently purchased upgrades,  that would make a huge difference.

I hope to see a next version of this, since the idea is pretty interesting.

I am sure you learned a lot during this Jam (as I did)  and maybe even had some fun with some weird mechanical bug (as it usually happens in this field) and are ready to take on bigger challenges!

Take care, and I hope I gave you some ideas and/ or honest Feedback on your project.

I enjoyed this take on the theme! It was fun trying to find the most efficient system to handle customers, I usually waited for customers in front of the counter so I wouldn't have to walk around it.

The TV upgrades are a good idea, but aren't that helpful since you lose more time taking tapes to the shelf rather than rewinding them. Other upgrades like a basket that lets you carry multiple tapes, or something to increase your move speed, would be more beneficial.

Your strategy is a good one but its actually what made the TVs less useful! 

If you make the risky plays of trying to return a video or 2 between customers approaching the counter and hit the close shelf RNG then you can get a lot more mileage out of them.

I like the idea of the basket, I had a similar one with a 'tray on wheels' type item but spaghetti code might make it difficult to implement, I'll see how much time I have left after finishing the settings menu.